Sunday, November 17, 2019

Meeting Minutes-March 24, 2019

Country Kids 4H Club Secretary Notes

Date:  3/24/2019               Place:  Schill's
The meeting was called to order by Madey Brunke

Our American and 4H Pledges were led by Lane Bennett

The thought for the day was your favorite animal announced by Landon Schill

We sang a song named Purple People Eater, led by Teen leaders

Roll call was read and we had 16members present, 2 tag-alongs present, 9 parents present, and 0 visitors present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Gabe Brunke & seconded by Ali Brunke.  Corrections include none.

Our treasurer reports $771.03 in our account.

Committee Reports:
Community service: Avery made a motion to clean up road ditches on Saturday May 19, and John seconded the motion.  The motion carried.

4-H Project reports or awards presented:
We will get 4-H day ribbons next meeting.  Carlie talked about a food competition over spring break, and a presentation she was asked to do.  Adalie gave a presentation on her rabbits, and Ellie talked about her pictures for fair. 


  Make sure to sign up for 4-H camp, and if you write a short page on why you want to go to camp, the advisory council will give you $50 off.

  Think about what you are going to do for fair projects and maybe start too.

The project of our meeting was geology and was presented by the Ferleys.

Our next meeting will be held on 4/28/2019 at the Bennett's house.  (changed to the Clearwater sign and park, and will be presented by the club)

Joselyn. moved that the meeting be adjourned.  John Brunke. seconded the motion.

We played a game called Toilet Tag and The Name Game, led by the Teen Leaders.

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