Sunday, November 17, 2019

Meeting Minutes Feb 18, 2018

Secretary Notes for Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: 2/18/18 Place : The Bock's
The meeting was called to order by Carlie Schill
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Adam Bennet
The thought for the day is favorite Olympic Event announced by Ellie Bock.
We sang a song named Little Red Riding Hood, led by Ellie Bock .
Roll call was read and we had 13 members present, 0 tag-alongs present 5 parents were present, 0 visitors were present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by McKenna Bock & seconded by Macy Ferley. Corrections included 0.
Our Treasurer reports $668.43 in our account.
Committee Reports: Birthday committee handed out brownies to Isiac, Landon, Mady, and Rebecca.
4-H project reports or awards presented Colter-purple ( reading ) Adam -blue ( piano ) Katie -blue ( piano ),purple (reserve grand champion ) dem. Avery-purple ( reserve champion ) dem. club-blue ( mock meeting ) Carlie-purple dem. and Ellie recieved $ 3.50 from the state fair ( pictures and cookies )
New Business:
Motion: The Club's making May day baskets on April 29th @ the Community Center @ 3:00 and will be delivered after school. Please attend if able. Made by: Amelie Ferley 2nd by Avery Schill
Motion: Humane Society Tour April 15, 2 pm everyone is invited to attend. Club Meeting will be held following.
Made by: Amelie Ferley 2nd by Ashlynn Bock
Motion: Scrapbook during the Mayday basket meeting April 29th @ the Community Center @ 3:00 Made by: Katie Bennet 2nd by Avery Schill
The project of our meeting was Dog toys and was presented by the Ferleys.
Our next meeting will be held on 3/11/18 at the Fisher's if weather permits or at the Schill's .
Mckenna Bock moved that the meeting be adjourned. Lane Bennet seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned and the club played freeze tag and snacks were provided by the Bock's and the Ferleys.

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