Sunday, November 17, 2019

Meeting Minutes-June 10, 2018

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: 6/10/18 Place : Humane Society
The meeting was called to order by Carlie Schill.
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Madey Brunkey
The thought for the day is Favorite Petannounced by Madey Brunke.
We sang a song named Ring around the Rosie, led by Carlie Schill.
Roll call was read and we had 11 members present, 0 tag-alongs present, 5 parents were present, 0 visitors were present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Mckenna Bock & seconded by Amelie. Corrections included NA.
Our Treasurer reports $668.43 in our account.
Committee Reports: NA 4-H project reports or awards presented Carlie Schill talked about her goats and her cross stitching. Avery Schill showed progress on her quilt. Macey Ferley found 3 fossils. Madey gave her Calf her first bath. Isacc finished his woodworking project. Business: MotionTo start a Junior Leader Council 1. Discussion was held and there was a motion to table the discussion
Made by:Avery 2nd by Mckenna
Avery spoke about the new 4-H constitution. We will Vote next meeting if we have 2/3rds of our members.
Carlie Spoke about how to make a motion.
Sarah Schill Spoke about our craft activity at the Fall Fest. She reminded us to think about a good craft project. ______________________________________________________________________ The project of our meeting was Tour of the Humane Society Building and was presented by Humane Society.
Our next meeting will be held on July 8th (date) at Brunke(where).
We played a game called Musical Chairs led by the Club.

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