Sunday, March 6, 2016

Country Kids Meeting Minutes Nov 22, 2015

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: November 22, 2015       Place : Mugglin Home
The meeting was called to order by Avery.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana & Avery.

The thought for the day is “Favorite Thanksgiving food”.

Roll call was read by Carlie and we had 15 members present,
2 tag-alongs present, 9 parents were present, 0 visitors were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Carlie and approved by Ellie & seconded by Landon. No corrections were reported and minutes stood as read.
Our Treasurer Joanna reports $409.89 in our account.  
No committee reports were given.
2014-15 year end 4-H awards were presented.
Club award included, 4-H record completion award ($25 @ 4-H Mall), Club Service award ($100)
Purple Seal Award
Amelie made a motion to participate in a service project at the Food Bank.  Discussion was had and the club voted to pass the motion.  Amelie will work with Food Bank to set up time for service and report back to the club.

Sarah presented thoughts about 4-H Day. Some members explained what experiences they have had in the past.
The project of our meeting was team building games and was presented by Eliana.

Our next meeting will be held on December 6  at  3pm at the Potter home.
Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ashlynn seconded the motion.
We sang the song Happy Birthday, led by Ashlynn, to Madey.

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