Sunday, March 6, 2016

Country Kids Meeting Minutes Jan 24, 2016

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: Jan 24, 2016 Place : Bock’sShop
The meeting was called to order by Katie.
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana.
The thought for the day is favorite season announced by Carlie.
Roll call was read and we had 16 members present,
3 tag-alongs, 9 parents, & 1 visitor.
Minutes of the last meeting were read by Carlie. No Corrections were made.
Our Treasurer Joanna reports $713.65 in our account. Member dues are still needed
from some families.
Committee Reports:
Amelie thanked the Bennett family for purchasing our Angel tree donations and getting
them to where they needed to go. The club will reimburse them $60 for the funds spent.
Next meeting date was discussed. Motion was made by Carlie to have the next meeting
on Feb 6th at 4-H Days. After discussion motion was amended by Avery to state the
next meeting will be Feb 21. Amendment passed by vote, and motion passed. The next
meeting will be held Feb 21st at Bock’s shop. Adults will be presenting a meeting
The project of our meeting was survival and fire starting and safety and was presented
by Ernesto Franco.
Our next meeting will be held on Feb 21 at the Bock’s Shop
Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ashlynn seconded the motion.
We sang a song named Little Sally Walker, led by Ashlynn.
We played a game called hide and seek by Adam

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