Sunday, March 6, 2016

Urban Air March 5, 2016

Country Kids Meeting Minutes Feb

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:    Feb 21,  2016    Place : Bock’sShop

The meeting was called to order by Dirk.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana.

An example meeting was presented by our 4-H adults to teach us more about parliamentary procedure.

The thought for the day is favorite hobby announced by Carlie.

We sang Happy Birthday, led by Ashlynn.
Roll call was read and we had 18 members present,
3 tag-alongs, 9 parents, & 5 visitors.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Carlie, motion for approval was made by Ellie, and seconded by Amelie. Minutes were approved.

Our Treasurer, Joanna reports $743.46 in our account.  Member dues are still needed from some families.

Committee Reports:
A motion was made by Avery, for our club to continue helping with the maintenance of the Clearwater City Council with the Clearwater sign. Motion passed by unanimous decision.
A motion was made by Carlie, for the club to go to Tanganyika and help with food preparations, the motion was seconded by Ashlynn.  The motion was amended to create a committee to look into helping at Tanganyika. Committee members are Ashlynn, Avery, Ellie, Amelie, Adam, Landon, and Carlie.

Awards and Presentations:
Joanna was awarded 3rd place for shooting sports competition and her team placed 1st.
4-H Day awards were presented to:
Adam - Blue Ribbon for Piano
Coulter - Blue for Reading
Landon - Champion for Reading
Carlie - Champion for Demonstration Intermediate level
Katie - Reserve Champion for Demonstration Intermediate Level

  1. A motion was made by Ellie for the club to go to Urban Air as a club fun event. Ashlynn seconded the motion.
The motion was amended by Caleb to read “Country Kids will attend Urban Air and club will pay ½ of the fees. The motion was amended by Joanna to read that the club will pay for ⅔ of the fees. Discussion was had that the club plans to go to Urban Air March 5th from 4-6pm. Motion passed.
Family guests are welcome, admission will not be paid by club.  Members must notify Katie by March 1st if they plan to attend.
2. A motion was made by Amelie to make new Country Kids 4-H shirts.  The motion was seconded by Ashlynn. The vote passed and a committee was formed of Ashylnn, Avery, Landon, Macy, & Carlie to move forward with tshirt option and discussion with Suzanne.
3. A motion was made by Avery, seconded by Addie, to donate $25 of Country Kids funds to the 4-H Foundation. Discussion was had and motion passed by vote.

Our next meeting will be held April 3rd at the Bennetts. The project will be scrapbooking.  Please get your photos printed or sent to Katie by email.

Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Joanna seconded the motion.

The project of our meeting was practicing parliamentary procedure presented by Sarah.  The club members made snack mix using proper motions and amendments.

4-H Days Feb 2015

We had lots of fun at 4-H Days this year.  Carlie got champion on her lufsa demonstration and Katie got reserve champion on her fried rice demonstration.  Landon got champion with his reading.  Adam got a blue ribbon for his piano, and Colter got a blue on his reading.  We also tried our hand at judging contests in photography and FACS.  Afterwards we all went to eat at Freddys. 

Country Kids Meeting Minutes Jan 24, 2016

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: Jan 24, 2016 Place : Bock’sShop
The meeting was called to order by Katie.
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana.
The thought for the day is favorite season announced by Carlie.
Roll call was read and we had 16 members present,
3 tag-alongs, 9 parents, & 1 visitor.
Minutes of the last meeting were read by Carlie. No Corrections were made.
Our Treasurer Joanna reports $713.65 in our account. Member dues are still needed
from some families.
Committee Reports:
Amelie thanked the Bennett family for purchasing our Angel tree donations and getting
them to where they needed to go. The club will reimburse them $60 for the funds spent.
Next meeting date was discussed. Motion was made by Carlie to have the next meeting
on Feb 6th at 4-H Days. After discussion motion was amended by Avery to state the
next meeting will be Feb 21. Amendment passed by vote, and motion passed. The next
meeting will be held Feb 21st at Bock’s shop. Adults will be presenting a meeting
The project of our meeting was survival and fire starting and safety and was presented
by Ernesto Franco.
Our next meeting will be held on Feb 21 at the Bock’s Shop
Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ashlynn seconded the motion.
We sang a song named Little Sally Walker, led by Ashlynn.
We played a game called hide and seek by Adam

Gifts for Angel Tree Kids Dec 2015

We adopted 2 kids from Angel Tree this year, an unborn baby girl and her big sister. 

Country Kids Meeting Minutes Dec 6, 2015

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:   Dec. 6    Place :the Potters house

The meeting was called to order by Katie

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Katie and Eliana

The thought for the day is favorite part of Christmas announced by Eliana.

 We sang a song named Jingle Bells, led by Ashlynn.

 Roll call was read and we had 15 members present,4 tag-alongs present, 8 parents, & 1 visitor.

 Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Amelie & seconded by Landon.

 Our Treasurer Joanna reports $623 in our account. 

 Committee Reports:

Amelie reported the food bank was full so we had an open discussion .Avery made a motion to adopt a family ,and Ashlynn amended the motion to spend $60 from our club account

4-H project reports or awards presented

Macy presented ornaments she made and 4-H books were given

 The project of our meeting was  crafts and was presented by the Potter’s.

 Our next meeting will be held on Jan. 17   at the Bock house .
Carlie moved that the meeting be adjourned
.Ashlynn seconded the motion.




Country Kids Meeting Minutes Nov 22, 2015

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: November 22, 2015       Place : Mugglin Home
The meeting was called to order by Avery.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana & Avery.

The thought for the day is “Favorite Thanksgiving food”.

Roll call was read by Carlie and we had 15 members present,
2 tag-alongs present, 9 parents were present, 0 visitors were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Carlie and approved by Ellie & seconded by Landon. No corrections were reported and minutes stood as read.
Our Treasurer Joanna reports $409.89 in our account.  
No committee reports were given.
2014-15 year end 4-H awards were presented.
Club award included, 4-H record completion award ($25 @ 4-H Mall), Club Service award ($100)
Purple Seal Award
Amelie made a motion to participate in a service project at the Food Bank.  Discussion was had and the club voted to pass the motion.  Amelie will work with Food Bank to set up time for service and report back to the club.

Sarah presented thoughts about 4-H Day. Some members explained what experiences they have had in the past.
The project of our meeting was team building games and was presented by Eliana.

Our next meeting will be held on December 6  at  3pm at the Potter home.
Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ashlynn seconded the motion.
We sang the song Happy Birthday, led by Ashlynn, to Madey.

4-H Achievement Banquet 2015

We won quite a few awards this year at the Achievement Banquet, including a club award for citizenship, and individual awards for KAP records, shooting sports, cooking, and nut sales.

Country Kids Meeting Minutes Oct 2015

4-H Carnival 2015

The Country Kids had a booth again this year at the 4-H Carnival.  We had two different games this year, the Pumpkin Toss and the Water Slide.  We had a lot of fun running the games and trying out all the other booths.