Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 2013 meeting minutes

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: November 3rd          Place: at the Whites house
The meeting was called to order by Carlie.
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Amelie and Carlie.
The thought for the day was what your costume was for Halloween and was announced by Ellie.
We sang a song named Down By the Banks, led by Ella.
Roll call was read and we had 13 members present,
3 tag-alongs present, 10 parents were, and 6 visitors were present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Katie & seconded by Avery. There were no corrections.
Our Treasurer Katie reported $326 in our account.  
Committee Reports:
There was a vote to bring canned food to the next meeting to donate to the Kansas food bank.
4-H project reports or awards to present:
Aaliyah had her membership award presented.
We decided to make our own t-shirts by screen print and everyone will get one. We will take group pictures.
A reminder was given about the Banquet on November 26.
The project of our meeting was leaves and was presented by Aaliyah.
Our next meeting will be held on December 1st  at the Schill’s house.
Avery moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ellie seconded the motion.
We played a game called Face to face led by Aiden.
The meeting was adjourned by Carlie.

Monday, October 28, 2013

2013 Officer training

On October 28th the Sedgwick County Officers Training was held at the Extension office.  The Country Kids had 6 members attend the training.  They included Carlie, Amelie, Lauren, Katie, Avery, & Kaelyn.  It was a fun time to meet new friends and learn about 4-H.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 2013 minutes

Secretary Notes by Lauren
Date: October 6 ,2013        Place: Extension office

The meeting was called to order by Katie.  The gavel was turned over to our new president Carlie and the new officers.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Amelie and Carlie.

The thought for the day was Favorite color .

We sang a song named The Littlest Worm, led by Ella.

Roll call was read and we had 14 members present,
1 was absent. 3 tag-alongs were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Avery & seconded by Amelie.

Our Treasurer Katie’s report was $191.00 in our account.

There are no Committee Reports.

Awards were given out to completing members for the last year .  

Business: Dues and paperwork were collected for 2013-14 enrollment, nut sales were collected, we discussed and decided to donate $25 to the 4-H Foundation.   Motion made to make t-shirts for our  club.  $5 per shirt will be paid by the club funds. Officer training October 28.  Banquet November 26.

The project of our meeting was the carnival and was presented by the  Sedgwick County  4-H Clubs.

Our next meeting will be held on November 3 at the White’s house.

Ellie moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Katie seconded the motion.

Meeting was adjourned by President Carlie.

The Country Kids attending the Sedgwick County Carnival in full force and had a fun time!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 2013

Sept 22 ,2013 6pm
Schill garage
Katie led our meeting and Ellie led our pledges.  The thought of the day was your favorite season. The minutes were read by secretary Avery.  Carlie moved to approve the minutes, and Katie seconded. The current club balance is $191.
The 4-H Advisory council is selling nuts again, please return sales at the next meeting. Yearly pins and awards will be given at the next meeting.
The club held elections for the 2013-14 year.
The election results were:   
President; Carlie
Vice President;Amelie
Secretary; Lauren
Treasurer; Katie
Song Leader;Ella
Scrapbook Committee leaders: Ellie & Avery
Game leader; Aiden
We also handed out enrollment papers that are due at the next meeting [October 6].  Ellie made a motion that the meeting is adjourned and Ella seconded the motion.  After the meeting we played teamwork games.
Next meeting is 3:30 October 6th at the Extension Office with the carnival to follow.



Sunday, August 18, 2013

august 2013

August 18, 2013
Schill house
Before the meeting we had a potluck and swim party.
Katie led our meeting, and Ellie led our pledges.
All members were present. The thought of the day was things done in 4-H.  Aiden moved to approve the minutes and Amelie seconded. The next meeting will be on Sept 22. Ellie made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Aiden seconded.  Our project for the day was filling out our year end paperwork and application for awards.  

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 2013

date: May 4 ,2013
place: Schill house & Clearwater Senior Center
Meeting was called to order by President Katie and Pledges were led by Vice President Ellie.
Songs and actions practiced by all.
including Bazooka Bubblegum.
19 members present - 2 members absent
4 tag along members present - no tag alongs absent.

Last meeting minutes were read by Avery and approved by Ellie then Aiden.
Treasurers Carlie & Lauren read our current bank balance at $191 with no expenses or deposits. We talked about the Shutterbugs in the Garden workshop and everyone discussed what they learned. Amelie made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Aiden.

Our project for the month was making craft flowers for the Senior members and singing at the Senior Center.

Songs included:
Bazooka Bubblegum
Make New Friends
By Bonnie
Black Socks
Bear song

Four of our members will be attending 4-H camp this summer.
Get your projects ready for fair!

The next planned meeting will be August, hosted by the Schill Family.

Singing at the Clearwater Senior Center

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Minutes

date: April 7,2013
place: the Potters house

Meeting was called to order by President Katie and Pledges were led by Vice President Ellie.
Songs and actions were lead by Christina, including Bazooka Bubblegum.
Roll call was taken.
11 members present - no members absent
4 tag along members present - no tag alongs absent.

Last meeting minutes were read and approved by Carlie then Aiden.
Treasurers read our current bank balance at $191 with no expenses or deposits.Aiden made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Katie.  Our project for the month was making sugar cookies.

The next meeting will be May 4, hosted by the Schill Family

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 2013 minutes

date:March 3,2013
place: Bock house
Meeting was called to order by President Katie and Pledges were led by Vice President Ellie.
Songs and actions were lead by Christina, including Bazooka Bubblegum.
Roll call was taken with “the grade you're going to be in next year” as the thought of the day.
11 members present - no members absent
4 tag along members present - no tag alongs absent.

Last meeting minutes were read and approved by Amelie then Ellie
Treasurers read our current bank balance at $191 with no expenses or deposits.Ellie made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Aiden.  Our project for the month was making bird houses.

The next meeting will be April 7, hosted by the Schill Family

Saturday, February 9, 2013

feb 2013 minutes

Feb 9
place: Central Christian Church
Meeting was called to order by President Katie and Pledges were led by Vice President Ellie.
Songs and actions were lead by Christina, including Bazooka Bubblegum.
Roll call was taken with “your favorite 4-H Day presentation” as the thought of the day.
10 members present - 1 member absent
3 tag along members present - 1 tag alongs absent.
Last meeting minutes were read and approved by Carlie then Ellie.
Treasurers read our current bank balance at $191 with no expenses or deposits.
The club is planning a day in April to sing at the Nursing Home.  Ellie made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Carlie.  Our project for the month was participating in 4-H Day and watching other presentations.  The club enjoyed an outing to Freddy's to celebrate their 4-H Day.

The next meeting will be March 3rd, hosted by the Bock Family

Friday, February 8, 2013

jan 2013 Meeting minutes

COUNTRY KIDS 4-H CLUB JAN 20 2013 place: White’s house Meeting was called to order by President Katie and Pledges were led by Vice President Ellie. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was the song for the day. Roll call was taken with “your favorite Christmas present” as the thought of the day. 9 members present - 1 member absent 2 tag along members present - 2 tag alongs absent. Last meeting minutes were read and approved by Aiden then Carlie. Treasurer Carlie read our current bank balance at $191 with no expenses or deposits. Our club won a purple award from Kansas extension and a record book completion award. A vote decided we will eat at Freddy’s after 4-H Day. The club practiced readings and demonstrations for 4-H Day. We changed banks because of new bank fees. The meeting was adjourned and approved by Ellie then Aiden. For our project we made bird feeders out of pine cones and Nutella, lead by Wanda White. Snacks of cake & cookies provided by the White’s. The next meeting will be Feb 9th at Central Christian Church during 4-H Days.