Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 2013

date: May 4 ,2013
place: Schill house & Clearwater Senior Center
Meeting was called to order by President Katie and Pledges were led by Vice President Ellie.
Songs and actions practiced by all.
including Bazooka Bubblegum.
19 members present - 2 members absent
4 tag along members present - no tag alongs absent.

Last meeting minutes were read by Avery and approved by Ellie then Aiden.
Treasurers Carlie & Lauren read our current bank balance at $191 with no expenses or deposits. We talked about the Shutterbugs in the Garden workshop and everyone discussed what they learned. Amelie made a motion for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Aiden.

Our project for the month was making craft flowers for the Senior members and singing at the Senior Center.

Songs included:
Bazooka Bubblegum
Make New Friends
By Bonnie
Black Socks
Bear song

Four of our members will be attending 4-H camp this summer.
Get your projects ready for fair!

The next planned meeting will be August, hosted by the Schill Family.

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