Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 2013 minutes

Secretary Notes by Lauren
Date: October 6 ,2013        Place: Extension office

The meeting was called to order by Katie.  The gavel was turned over to our new president Carlie and the new officers.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Amelie and Carlie.

The thought for the day was Favorite color .

We sang a song named The Littlest Worm, led by Ella.

Roll call was read and we had 14 members present,
1 was absent. 3 tag-alongs were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Avery & seconded by Amelie.

Our Treasurer Katie’s report was $191.00 in our account.

There are no Committee Reports.

Awards were given out to completing members for the last year .  

Business: Dues and paperwork were collected for 2013-14 enrollment, nut sales were collected, we discussed and decided to donate $25 to the 4-H Foundation.   Motion made to make t-shirts for our  club.  $5 per shirt will be paid by the club funds. Officer training October 28.  Banquet November 26.

The project of our meeting was the carnival and was presented by the  Sedgwick County  4-H Clubs.

Our next meeting will be held on November 3 at the White’s house.

Ellie moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Katie seconded the motion.

Meeting was adjourned by President Carlie.

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