Friday, February 8, 2013

jan 2013 Meeting minutes

COUNTRY KIDS 4-H CLUB JAN 20 2013 place: White’s house Meeting was called to order by President Katie and Pledges were led by Vice President Ellie. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was the song for the day. Roll call was taken with “your favorite Christmas present” as the thought of the day. 9 members present - 1 member absent 2 tag along members present - 2 tag alongs absent. Last meeting minutes were read and approved by Aiden then Carlie. Treasurer Carlie read our current bank balance at $191 with no expenses or deposits. Our club won a purple award from Kansas extension and a record book completion award. A vote decided we will eat at Freddy’s after 4-H Day. The club practiced readings and demonstrations for 4-H Day. We changed banks because of new bank fees. The meeting was adjourned and approved by Ellie then Aiden. For our project we made bird feeders out of pine cones and Nutella, lead by Wanda White. Snacks of cake & cookies provided by the White’s. The next meeting will be Feb 9th at Central Christian Church during 4-H Days.

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