Monday, August 29, 2016

Country Kids Meeting Minutes - August 28, 2016

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:    August 28    Place: Schill home

The meeting was called to order by Katie

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana

The thought for the day is Favorite School Subject announced by Katie.

Roll call was read and we had 18 members present,
No tag-alongs present, 7 parents were present, there were no visitors  present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Amelie & seconded by Ashlynn. There were no Corrections included.

Our Treasurer reports $267.20 in our account.  

Committee Reports:
Ideas -  Ditch Clean Up   Angel Tree   Food Bank   Senior Center

4-H project reports or awards presented
Carlie did a 4-H presentation about lefse   Ellie got in a photography magazine                                             
Joanna got in the newspaper for her shooting sports   Ashlynn got in the newspaper for her arts project.
County fair projects were discussed, each member told of a few projects that they entered.

A  motion was made by Carlie to participate in the 4-H window display.  The motion was 2nd by Avery.  Discussion was had and the club voted in favor of the window display.  A committee was formed of Carlie, Avery, Marlis, and Katie.       
A motion was made by Ellie to participate in the carnival.  McKenna seconded the motion. Discussion was had and the club passed the motion with a vote.
Avery made a motion to form a Carnival committee, seconded by Ashlynn. The motion passed.  Committee members include: Avery, Ashlynn, Amelie, Landon, Katie, McKenna, Ellie.
Crystal Clover for the carnival will be Ashlynn with the assistance of Carlie.
Carlie made a motion to continue meetings on Sunday’s at 3pm, Marlis 2nd the motion. Discussion was had that parental help is needed and sign up for projects and hosts. A vote was held and passed.
Ellie made a motion to hold elections at the September meeting, with new officers taking over in October.  Marlis seconded the motion.  Motion passed with a vote.

Our next meeting will be held on September 25  at the  Bock house.

Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Ashlynn seconded the motion.

We played a game called link hide and go seek led by Adam.

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