Sunday, November 17, 2019

Meeting Minutes - Dec 8, 2018

Country Kids 4H Club Secretary Notes

Date:  12/9/2018               Place:  Bennett's
The meeting was called to order by Landon Schill

Our American and 4H Pledges were led by Lane Bennett

The thought for the day was What you want for Christmas announced by Adam Bennett

We sang a song named Jingle Bells, led by Carlie Schill                                                                                                    

Roll call was read and we had 27 members present, 4 tag-alongs present, 11 parents present, and 0 visitors present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by McKenna Bock & seconded by Avery Schill.  Corrections include none.

Our treasurer reports $$618.43 in our account.

Committee Reports:
Community service:  Madey reported that we bought Christmas gifts for four angel tree kids: Two boys got Target gift cards, one girl got a sketch book, and one boy got a holy baby prayers CD

4-H Project reports or awards presented:
Awards were presented from the 4-H banquet.  Our club received the purple seal award for record book completion, and $25 at the 4-H Mall.  We also received second place for community service, and got $50. Awards for KAPs were presented to Katie, Adam, Avery, Carlie, and Landon.  Madey received the spirit of 4-H award.  Avery received a scholarship to go to Washington Focus.  State Fair money was also handed out.

4-H Days will be February 2nd.  Sign up before January 2nd if you would like to participate.

The project of our meeting was making taffy and decorating cookies and was presented by the Bennetts.  We also had a white elephant gift exchange.

Our next meeting will be held on 1/27/2019 at the Bock's house.

Ashlynn Bock. moved that the meeting be adjourned.  McKenna Bock seconded the motion.

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