Sunday, October 16, 2016

October meeting minutes

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:  16 October 2016                   Place: Schill’s

The meeting was called to order by: Ellie

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by: Aiden

The thought for the day was:  your favorite candy               Announced by: Katie

Roll call was read and we had 16 members present, 8 parents present and 3 visitors present.

The minutes of our last 4-H club meeting were read and approved by Amelie and seconded by Macy.

Our treasurer reports $267.20 in our account.

Committee Reports:
Our new…..
Historian: Carlie and Amelie
Scrapbook:  Katie and Ashlynn
Community Service: Katie
Social Director: Ellie
Project planning: Carlie, Landon, and Amelie
Birthday: Bock’s, Ferley’s, and Adam

Awards: Recognition Banquet is November @ the extension office

Business: Club dues, due!!!!!!

Our next meeting will be on 13 November, at the Bennett’s house

The project of our meeting was community service, presented by everyone!
Ashlynn moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Amelie seconded the motion.  


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