Saturday, April 11, 2015

January 18, 2015 4-H Meeting Minutes

Secretary Notes for Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: January 18, 2015     ! ! ! !
 Place: Schill’s House
The meeting was called to order by Avery.
 Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Avery and Amelie.
The thought for the day was “Favorite Football Team?” announced by Avery.
 We sang a song named The Hokey Pokey, led by Carlie.
Roll call was read and we had 14 members present, 4 tag-alongs present, 10 parents present, and 0 visitors present.
 Our Treasurer ,Caleb, reports $428.38 in our account.
Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved by Ellie and seconded by Amelie.
 Committee Reports: The committee for the $25 dollars in the 4-H mall found something to buy. Joanna and Caleb got medals for their shooting sports match, Katie presented birthdays gifts, and Avery, Abby, Katie, and Parker went to a babysitting class.
 Business: We took a vote to go to Freddy’s after 4-H day.
The project of our meeting was presentations and was presented by the Mugglin’s.
Our next meeting will be held on February 7,2015(4-H day) at the 4-H day building.
Carlie moved that the meeting be adjourned. Landon seconded the motion. 
We played a game called freeze tag led by Ashlynn.

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