Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jan 2014 meeting minutes

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date: January 2014        Place :Bocks house

The meeting was called to order by Carlie.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Amelie and Carlie .

The thought for the day is your favorite color announced by Katie.

We sang a song named Down By the Banks, led by Ella.

Roll call was read and we had 11 members present,
4 tag-alongs present,  2 visitors were present.

There were no Meeting Minutes this meeting because our secretary was absent.

Our Treasurer Katie reports $63.29 in our account.  

There were no 4-H project reports or awards presented.

Business:Last day to sign up online for 4-h day is the 15.Planning meeting to have  our meeting at 4h day and afterward we will eat together at Freddys.
March meeting will be scrapbooking so bring your pictures.
The project of our meeting was  Weaving and was presented by Ellie and  Ashlynn Bock.

Katie moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Our next meeting will be held on February 1st at  4-h  Day .

Ellie seconded the motion.

We played a game called Telephone led by Aiden.

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