Sunday, November 13, 2016

November 13th meeting pictures - scrabook and sign language

November meeting minutes

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:  13 November 2016  Place: Bennetts

The meeting was called to order by: Ellie

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by: Adam

The thought for the day was:  your favorite winter activity            Announced by: Eliana

Our song leaders lead us in Down by the banks to start the meeting.

Roll call was read and we had  14 members present, 5 parents present and 0 visitors present.

The minutes of our last 4-H club meeting were read and approved by Marlis and seconded by McKenna.

Our treasurer reports $344.85 in our account.  Everyone also need to turn in their dues!!!

Committee Reports:
For 48 hours of 4-H we worked for 68 hours!!!  Carlie moved that we adopt 3 kids, the motion carried, Katie moved that we do $20 per kid.  A vote was taken, we are going shopping for 3 kids this year, and we are going to spend $20 per kid.
Awards: Avery, Carlie and Katie received red ribbons from state fair.  We received a blue ribbon on our window display, and we received a thank-you card from people on 79th for cleaning up the road ditches.  

Business: Carlie reminded everyone that she will be counting all motions made.  There was also a banquet reminder for anyone who wanted to go.  The December meeting was change to Saturday the 10th, because it is a Christmas party.

Project reports: Marlis got rabbits and finished an arts and crafts poster.  
The project of our meeting was Sign Language presented by Colter and Katie Bennett, and scrapbooking, presented by the club.

Our next meeting will be on 10 December 2016 at the Bock’s house

The project of our next meeting is crafts, presented by The Bock’s.  

Ashlynn moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Amelie seconded the motion.  
