Monday, August 29, 2016

Country Kids Meeting Minutes - August 28, 2016

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:    August 28    Place: Schill home

The meeting was called to order by Katie

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana

The thought for the day is Favorite School Subject announced by Katie.

Roll call was read and we had 18 members present,
No tag-alongs present, 7 parents were present, there were no visitors  present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Amelie & seconded by Ashlynn. There were no Corrections included.

Our Treasurer reports $267.20 in our account.  

Committee Reports:
Ideas -  Ditch Clean Up   Angel Tree   Food Bank   Senior Center

4-H project reports or awards presented
Carlie did a 4-H presentation about lefse   Ellie got in a photography magazine                                             
Joanna got in the newspaper for her shooting sports   Ashlynn got in the newspaper for her arts project.
County fair projects were discussed, each member told of a few projects that they entered.

A  motion was made by Carlie to participate in the 4-H window display.  The motion was 2nd by Avery.  Discussion was had and the club voted in favor of the window display.  A committee was formed of Carlie, Avery, Marlis, and Katie.       
A motion was made by Ellie to participate in the carnival.  McKenna seconded the motion. Discussion was had and the club passed the motion with a vote.
Avery made a motion to form a Carnival committee, seconded by Ashlynn. The motion passed.  Committee members include: Avery, Ashlynn, Amelie, Landon, Katie, McKenna, Ellie.
Crystal Clover for the carnival will be Ashlynn with the assistance of Carlie.
Carlie made a motion to continue meetings on Sunday’s at 3pm, Marlis 2nd the motion. Discussion was had that parental help is needed and sign up for projects and hosts. A vote was held and passed.
Ellie made a motion to hold elections at the September meeting, with new officers taking over in October.  Marlis seconded the motion.  Motion passed with a vote.

Our next meeting will be held on September 25  at the  Bock house.

Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Ashlynn seconded the motion.

We played a game called link hide and go seek led by Adam.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Pool Party with the Ninnescah Valley Club - Aug 11, 2016

Our club planned and organized a pool party for an end of the summer event.  We decided to invite the Ninnescah Valley Club to join us.  We had a picnic in the park before the pool opened.  We all had a lot of fun swimming and getting to know members of the other club better.

County Fair 2016

A number of our members had entries in the Sedgwick County Fair this year.  We had cooking, sewing, fiber arts, electricity, dog, reading, woodworking, buymanship, forestry, and chickens.  We also had several members volunteer as judge assistants.  Our club had a strong showing at our building watch time, with most of our members present.

Country Kids Meeting Minutes - May 22, 2016

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:  May 22, 2016      Place : Brunke Home

The meeting was called to order by Katie.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Eliana.

The thought for the day is your favorite bug, announced by Katie. Each member announced their name and age for the group.

Roll call was read and we had 12 members present,
3 tag-alongs present, 9 parents were present & 7 visitors were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Carlie and approved by Aiden & seconded by Marlys. No corrections were made.

Our Treasure report was $718.65 in our account.  

Committee Reports:
Please sign thank you for Clearwater City Council for the pizza party after our service event.
The club would still like to do a ditch clean up and a t-shirt making opportunity.  This discussion was tabled for next fall or later in the summer.

4-H project reports:
Ellie showed her chicken and explained some care and parts of the chicken.
Katie showed her dress for clothing construction.
Amelie showed her quilt she will enter in Fiber arts.

A motion was made Amelie, seconded by Aiden and voted on to have a pool party at the Clearwater Pool the 2nd week of August.  Avery will take lead to call pool and arrange possible opportunities.

Carlie made a motion to have a work day June 26th, Marlys seconded the motion.
Time is schedule for 3pm at the Schills with swimming after work is completed.

The project of our meeting was entomology presented by Madey and JP. Each member learned how to pin some insects and try it on their own.

Aiden moved that the meeting be adjourned, Carlie seconded the motion, vote completed and meeting was adjourned.