Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Avery
The thought for the day is what is your favorite animal announced by Carlie.
We sang a song named Dropped my Dolly in the Dirt by Carlie .
Roll call was read and we had 13 members present, 3 tag-alongs present, 8 parents were present, 2 visitors were present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Carlie & seconded by Ashlynn.
There was no treasurers report because our treasurer was not present.
Committee Reports:
The Horse project raised $330
100 hours of service were completed by______________
4-H project reports or awards presented
There were no project reports or awards
County fair is the week of July 8th- 11th .
Our next meeting will be held in the fall.
The project of our meeting was chicken care and was presented by the Bocks with guest speakers.
Carlie moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Ashlynn seconded the motion.