Monday, October 13, 2014

October meeting minutes

Secretary Notes for Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: October 11, 2014      
 Place: Schillʼs House
The meeting was called to order by Carlie.
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Carlie and Amelie.
The thought for the day was “When is your birthday?” announced by Avery.
 We sang a song named Peanut Butter Cup, led by Carlie.
Roll call was read and we had 18 members present, 4 tag-alongs present, 9 parents present, and 3 visitors present.
 Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved by Carlie and seconded by Amelie. Corrections were included in the Treasurerʼs Report. Our treasurer, Katie, reports $203.85 in our account.
Committee reports: 4-H Carnival games to be played are Water Slide, Candy Course, and No Hand Cup Stack. 
Business: We took a vote to change meeting times to 3:00 on Sunday afternoons.
The project of our meeting was cleaning up ditches and was presented by the Schills.
Our next meeting will be held on 11/16/14 at Bockʼs house.
Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned. Ellie seconded the motion. 

After the meeting, each committee met before lunch. After lunch, we cleaned up ditches as part of 48 hours of 4H.