Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: september 21 2014 Place :Schills house
The meeting was called to order by Carlie
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Carlie and Amelie
The thought for the day was “how many siblings do you have ?”
announced by Carlie.
We sang a song named Peanut butter shake , led by Ella.
Roll call was read and we had 24 members present,3 tag-alongs present, 0 visitors were present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read by Lauren and approved by Avery & seconded by Amelie.
Our Treasurer Katie reports $ 228.85 in our account.
Committee Reports:
Silly straws and cup stack was decided by the carnival committee.
committee told the others to bring prizes like little note books and toys and stuffed animals.
4-H project reports or awards presented
Ribbons were presented to club members.
We discussed about changing our meeting time to 3:00 on sundays . We voted for all of our officers.
The project of our meeting was voting for officers and finishing paperwork and was presented by Schills.
Our next meeting will be held on october 11 at Schill.
Avery moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Katie seconded the motion.
We played a teamwork game led by Aiden.