Sunday, December 9, 2012

december minutes 2012

Date : December 2, 2012 Place: Schill Home There were 12 members present. The minutes of the November 11th meeting were read, Aiden made a motion to approve the minutes and seconded by Katie. The treasurer Carlie announced the balance in the bank is $151.00 Christina will bring songs we will sing at the nursing home to the March meeitng. Everyone will bring the things they will do at the 4-H Day to the next meeting to practice. Ellie made a motion seconded by Colter to adjourn the meeting. After the meeting Shane Ferley showed us how to make an ecobot. Avery Schill Secretary.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 2013

place: the Bennett’s house There were 13 members present the previous minutes were read and then corrected by Amelie. Amelie corrected that Amelie, Aaliyah and Ella are the Historian/Scrapbook committee. Aiden moved and Carlie seconded that the minutes be approved as corrected. Our service committee recommended three ideas for a service project, 1. each family collects money in a jar for charity. 2. sing to nursing home residents 3. give a gently used stuffed animal or toy to charity. We took a vote and chose to sing at a nursing home and collect stuffed animals. Avery made a motion that the meeting be adjourned and Carlie seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned and Katie gave a demonstration on history of 4-H, how to care for and fold the US Flag. The next meeting members need to bring their stuffed animals and it will be held at the Ferley House, meeting led by Ferley Family.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sept meeting minutes

Sunday, September 16, th 2012 Place: The Schills House There were 15 members present. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Before we started the meeting we decorated papers to put in the folders we got for the next year. Katie read the minutes of our last meeting. Carlie moved and Ella seconded that the minutes be approved. Presidents Christina and Avery handed out 1st and 2nd year awards to the current members. New business -We will elect new officers next meeting. -Paper work due next week -Community service projects We made 4-h necklaces and key chains. Katie moved and Carlie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Avery made fried ice cream and Aaliyah made chocolate chip cookies for our snack.

Monday, July 16, 2012

What a great time for our youth! I am very proud of our Country Kids 4-H club! Everyone participated in the County Fair! Our projects included Arts, Photography, Woodworking, Horsemanship, Food Prep, and I am sure that I am forgetting some! We also had a 100% turnout for out club responsibilies at the fair buildings! It was great to see the support for 4-H and our youth! I think we all came home with new ideas for next year! Great job everyone! The Country Kids recieved 3rd place!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June was a busy month for our 4-Hers! Three of our members and friends attended 4-H camp and had a blast! You will have to ask them about all the fun they had. I think they are all ready to go back again next year!! Our club also decorated a poster board for display at the County fair, we had great participation! They also put the finishing touches on their projects for the fair. We look forward to seeing all the completed projects.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14, 2012 Place: The Lorenc Farm There were 10 members present. Presidents Avery and Christina called the meeting to order. The thought for the day was, what is your favorite animal? Katie read the minutes of our last meeting. Carlie moved and Amelie seconded that the minutes be approved. New Business - Project work day May or June maybe June 3rd - 4-H camp and sew camp - Poster broad decorating and planning - Fair and work day June 26th 3:30-5:00pm -Take down September 9th 8:00-9:00pm - July 3rd small animals, Fashion Review, Life Skills Judging, and Creative Tables - July 14th Dog judging - Fair dates July11-14th Katie moved and Ellie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. We milked goats, saw rabbits, got an egg from the chickens, and saw the donkey. The Lorenc’s had pizza and made goats milk ice cream for us. We played on the trampoline and swing. It was a very fun meeting.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Boat & Water Safety

The water/boat safety crew.

april meeting Boat Safety!

Place: Ella's house. There were six members present. Chistina (co-president) called the business meeting to order. Ellie (acting secretary) lead the thought of the day for roll call. It was "What is your favorite forest animal?" We did not have the last meetings minutes to read. Everyone was thanked for their help in our project work day. New ideas were discussed for the next work day. Everyone was encouraged to get working on their project for the fair and to attend 4-H camp in June. Record keeping papers were talked about. A motion was made to adjourn by Ellie and Ella seconded the motion. For our project, T.J.told us about the different boat and water safeties and what we should always have. A snack of cupcakes, juiceboxes, apples and dip was served. Reported by Avery (acting reporter)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Successful Project Work Day

April 1st! We had a successful Project Work Day! Pot luck lunch was had by all members and thier families. Projects were planned, designed, and worked on by all 4-Hers. Some made yummy snacks while practicing their cooking skills. Others worked on art and photography. Some even sketched and planned wood working projects. Our main success was contributing to our duty of Citizenship and Responsibility. Our club walked the area ditches and removed trash and cleaning up the Earth. We also discussed and investigated a few animal habitats!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

March Minutes

March 12, 2012 Place: The Schills house There were 7 members present. We had a short meeting. Presidents Avery and Christina called the meeting to order. The thought for the day was what is your favorite month and season. Katie read the minutes of our last meeting. The group decided to plan a project & work day that will be held on April 1st. We will be working on our projects for fair and also spend part of the day doing community service. Amelie moved and Christina seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Erin, from Farm Safety, did a demonstration on 4-wheeler safety and we made a poster that said, I ride alone. Avery and Carlie did snack, and we played outside. Reported by Country Kids 4-H Secretary Katie.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February Meeting Minutes

Monday, February 13, 2012 Place: Bennett’s There were seven members present. Presidents Avery and Christina called the meeting to order. Katie read the minutes of our last meeting. Ellie moved and Carlie seconded that the minutes be approved. New business -Ideas to help the community -clean up the Earth -get trash out of road ditches Avery did a demonstration on the meadowlark she made for Kansas day. Next time there will be a special speaker to talk about safety and ATVs. Ellie moved and Katie seconded that the meeting be adjourned. We all hand sewed little draw string bags to take home. Katie made valentine cookies for everybody. The next meeting will be at the Schill’s house on Monday, March 12, 2012. Avery and Carlie will do snack too. Reported By Secretary Katie