Sunday, December 3, 2017

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date: 12/3/17 Place : The Bock's

The meeting was called to order by  Carlie Schill

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Marlis Fisher

The thought for the day is What your favorite part of christmas is? announced by   Mckenna Bock.

We sang a song named    Down by the Banks, led by Ellie Bock.

Roll call was read and we had 14 members present, 2 tag-alongs present 6 parents were present, 0 visitors were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Mckenna Bock & seconded by Zane Fisher. Corrections included 0.

Our Treasurer reports $538.43 in our account.  

Committee Reports:
The humane society is still on the table
4-H project reports or awards presented
Motion Our next meeting will be at the Clearwater Community Center and play board games. Made by:     Landon Schill
2nd by  Admiral Henning

Motion:  Mock meeting
Made by: Ashlynn Bock 
2nd by Marlis Fisher

The project of our meeting was  Spiders and was presented by Ellie Bock.

Our next meeting will be held on 1/14/18(date)  at Clearwater Community Center(where). 

Zane Fisher moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Mckenna Bock seconded the motion.

Meeting was adjourned and the club had a Taco Dinner.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 22, 2017 Woodworking project meeting photos

We each got to choose to do a wood burning project or to make stilts. 

December 10, 2016 Christmas Party and Meeting photos

2016 Awards Banquet - Nov 22, 2016

The Country Kids did a great job this year, and got quite a few awards at the banquet.  We received $100 for our community service award, and again completed 100% of our record books.  We got a $25 gift certificate to the 4-H mall.  We also had several members who received individual awards.