Sunday, May 1, 2016

Clearwater sign maintenance and spring planting - May 1, 2016

Again this year, we worked with Lonnie to weed and plant flowers at the City of Clearwater sign.  Nine members 3 tag alongs, and 7 adult worked for just over an hour.  We pulled weeds in the rocks and dirt, planted potato vine and vincas, and added new mulch.  After we were done working, Lonnie took us all out for pizza at Pizza Hut! 

Country Kids Meeting Minutes - April 24, 2016

Country Kids Meeting Minutes - April 3, 2016

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date:  April 3, 2016      Place : Bock Home

The meeting was called to order by Avery, officer at large.

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Ellie.

The thought for the day is what you did over spring break announced by Carlie.

We sang songs including Happy Birthday & BINGO, led by  Ashlynn.

Roll call was read and we had 7 members present,
2 tag-alongs present, 4 parents were present, no visitors were present.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Amelie & seconded by Ashlynn. No corrections were made

Our Treasure report was $520.15 in our account.  

Committee Reports:
We need ages of members for Tanganyka volunteer services.

No 4-H project reports or awards presented

Carlie made a motion to do a ditch cleanup on Sunday April 17th starting at 2:30pm at the Bock’s house.  Amelie seconded the motion. Motion was passed by vote.

The project of our meeting was  scrapbooking and was presented by Kippie.

Our next meeting will be held on April 24 at  Hutchinson’s Farm.

Amelie moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Macy seconded the motion.