Saturday, September 26, 2015

September 18, 2015 Country Kids 4-H Club Meeting Minutes/ Fall Fest

Secretary Notes for Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: September 18, 2015     ! ! ! !
Place: Schill’s House
The meeting was called to order by Katie.
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Katie.
The thought for the day was “What will you be on the parade float?” announced by Katie.
Roll call was read and we had 15 members present, 4 tag-alongs present, 10 parents present, and 0 visitors present.
Committee reports - Thank you to everyone who came to decorate the Fall Fest Parade float.  The 4H Carnival will be on October 11th. 
Birthdays were presented.
Business: We will be electing officer’s in the October meeting.
The project of our meeting was decorating the float for the Fall Fest Parade and was presented by everyone.
Our next meeting will be held on October 4th at the Schill’s.
Carlie moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Alex seconded the motion. 

We participated in the Clearwater fall feast by decorating a float in the parade.  We won 1st place in the competition.  The parade motto was " Remembering the Past, Embracing the Future", so we put a old-fashioned windmill on the front and a wind turbine on the back.

August 23, 2015 Country Kids 4-H meeting

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club
Date: 8-23-15           Place: Schill's House

The meeting was called to order by Avery.
Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Avery.
The thought for the day is your favorite animal announced by Ashlynn.
There was no song this meeting.
Roll call was read and we had 11 parents, 3 tag-alongs, and 15 members.
The minutes of our last 4-H Club meeting was read by Katie, Approved by Ellie, and seconded by Ashlynn.
Our substitute treasurer, Avery, reports $473.85 in our account.
# 1 :Amelie moved and Ashlynn seconded that we be part of the Fall Fest Parade.
Committee Members:
# 2 :Ellie moved and Landon seconded that we be apart of the 4-H carnival.
The project of our meeting is paperwork and was presented by everyone.
Ellie moved and Lauren seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

County Fair July 2015

Our club entered many projects in the fair.  Some of the members helped with judging, building watch, and set-up/tear-down. There were many ribbons won and project ideas for next year.