Sunday, April 6, 2014

April Minutes

Secretary Notes For Country Kids 4-H Club

Date: April 6, 2014        Place : Whitfield Home

The meeting was called to order by Carlie

Our American and 4-H pledges were led by Amelie

The thought for the day is favorite animal announced by Lauren.

We sang a song named Down by the Banks, led by  Ella.

Roll call was taken and we had all 18 members present,
4 tag-alongs present, 18 parents were present, 4 visitors were present.  44 people in the Whitfield living room!

Minutes of the last meeting were read by Avery and approved & seconded .No corrections were made.

Our Treasurer Katie reports $__________ in our account.  

Committee Reports:
Carlie thanked everyone for their help in cleaning up the Clearwater City Park.  Our club cleaned up  34 bags and 4 dumpsters of trash and leaves.
Avery reminded everyone to continue taking pictures of club activities and bring them to meetings or send them by email.

4-H project reports or awards presented
Hannah & Rebecca shared their cooking project of German Pancakes.  They talked about how they were made and gave everyone a taste.

Business and announcements:
A reminder about 4-H camp registration was said.

Our next meeting will be held on May  3 at Potters.

We played a game led by Aiden.

The project of our meeting was geology and gardening. They were presented by Ted Joechems , TJ and Ella.  Ted gave a talk about geology and rocks.  He also handed out example rocks to each member and some books about them.
Ella and TJ showed different seeds and explained about size and shape.  We each got to plant seeds and take them home.